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Endress Hauser Manual or automatic retractable assembly Cleanfit CPA474
Catégorie - Analysis
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Chez Famaga, vous pouvez acheter Endress Hauser Manual or automatic retractable assembly Cleanfit CPA474 , ainsi que d'autres pièces de Rechange de sociétés Endress+Hauser avec Livraison dans le monde entier, y compris à votre ville Dublin. Pour la demande de prix, délai de Livraison et d'autres caractéristiques du produit Endress+Hauser, s'il vous plaît remplissez le formulaire de commentaires ou envoyez une Description des noms dont Vous avez besoin à l'adresse e-mail sales@famaga.us
La description
Assembly with ball valve for chemical and industrial wastewater applications The Cleanfit CPA474 retractable assembly is designed for applications which require safe separation from the process and contain media that could affect stainless steel. It offers highest operating comfort: You can replace sensors and even service the assembly while the process is running. The optional electric or pneumatic control system enables automated cleaning and calibration even in difficult processes.- Benefits
- Safe and reliable separation from the process by ball valve, even under harsh conditions
- Suitable for corrosive media: Only polymers (PP, PVDF, PEEK) in contact with medium
- No process interruption for electrode cleaning and calibration – saves maintenance...
- Safe and reliable separation from the process by ball valve, even under harsh conditions
- Suitable for corrosive media: Only polymers (PP, PVDF, PEEK) in contact with medium
- No process interruption for electrode cleaning and calibration – saves maintenance time and costs
- Extended operating life of electrodes due to automatic cleaning
- Flexible adaptation to all applications by great variety of materials and process connections
- Field of application Cleanfit CPA474 is intended for use in tanks and pipes in:
- Chemical industry
- Wastewater / industrial water
- Power plants
- Refuse incinerators
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